Sunday 25 September 2016

Let's Eat 2 Review Part 3

Season 2's overall vibe is quite emotionally "heavy" compared to season 1. I felt the characters in season 2 seem to have all sorts of problems and they were also quite random... as in they were not really connected to each other until very much later in the series...almost at the end actually.

I didn't really like any of the characters in season 2 as much as I did in season 1. There was the landlady, grandmother... I know quite a number of you will say halmoeni was really nice and caring but I actually found her to be annoying because she kept butting into the creepy guy's life... The character I dislike the most would be the Soo Ji's colleague (Hong In Ah/ Ms.Hong) who was always bragging about her husband but in actual fact her marriage is a total gone case... Even the cute Barassi replacement: Happy the dog didn't win my heart. (Sorry Happy, Barassi stole it and never gave it back ;P) It was kinda disgusting too that Happy was peeing all over the place... (Did we need to see him pee at the dustbin and on the drunk hyung?!) 

Here are the characters stacked up to those in season 1: 

I couldn't find a character from season 1 corresponding with the land lady so I left that blank. As I was going through season 1 for this screenshots I realised that the laundromat guy had more screenplay in season 1 than season 2. 

Apart from that, I did enjoy some of the interiors/ cafes featured in season 2...

Why yes! ;D

Sang Woo's apartment and the villa where Dae Yeong and Soo Ji are renting is pretty neat too... 

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