Monday 23 January 2017

Metro of Love Review Episodes 15- 17

[Episodes 15 - 17] Couple #6 : Welcome to the Happy Days

Fang Ru is a twenty something young lady who basically bums around all day and hopes to go to the US someday to further her studies. 

Allen Thompson is also a twenty something young man who came over to Beitou, Taiwan in order to follow the footsteps of a famous violinist, Tomoo Yamada. The reason he is doing that is because of his ex-girlfriend who loves this violinist. He hopes by doing this he would win her heart back. 

Fang Ru's grandmother runs a small hot spring hotel. One day, she had a fall and it will take months for her to recover. Fang Ru offers to help run the hotel as she thought with the money she can finally make her US trip come true. However, she didn't know that her grandmother's hotel is not doing well at all and has a lot of debt. (What's up with all these Taiwanese dramas with debts yo?!) 

Fang Ru quickly learns of the debt and was fretting on what to do... Along came Allen Thompson, who was looking for a place to stay. He offers to work in exchange for food and lodging. Fang Ru thought it would be excellent to use Allen to help boost the popularity of the hotel. She asks Allen to start moving heavy stuff, cleaning up the place and take selfies while he was doing all that. 

Allen stumbles across an old violin while cleaning out the whole hotel. Upon inspecting it, he realises it had Tomoo Yamada's signature on the back. Super excited, he offers to buy the violin from Fang Ru. Fang Ru, taking advantage of Allen again demands a deposit of USD20,000. Allen gives her the money and pledges to work hard so he can have the violin. 

Despite all their efforts, the hotel was still empty and running a lot of debt. Fang Ru's grandmother returns and Fang Ru finds out that the violin belongs to her grandmother. The grandmother refuses to sell the violin as it is her symbol of love. Yes, turns out that Fang Ru's grandmother's first love is Tomoo Yamada. Mr Yamada is Fang Ru's grandfather. 

Allen was okay about not being able to buy the violin so he asked Fang Ru for his money back. But Fang Ru had already used his money. He was really upset and decided to leave. All seemed lost for Fang Ru because the bank people had also come and demand closure of the hotel within a month. 

Allen had a change of heart after saying good-bye to Fang Ru's grandmother and decided to come back. They had only one month left so everyone worked their best to restore the hotel. Allen wrote about Fang Ru's grandmother's love story but he accidentally posted it on the hotel's Facebook page instead of Tomoo Yamada's fanpage. His story made the hotel famous overnight and many people came including Tomoo Yamada himself. Yes! Wow! 

There was a sweet moment of reconciliation between Fang Ru's grandmother and Mr Yamada... Apparently the grandmother's close friend had been the cause of their lost of correspondence all these years. Mr Yamada does a solo performance and announces that all the profits he earned from the song he composed in Beitou to be donated to the hotel, saving it from closure. 

There were some really funny moments with Fang Ru and Allen. Although Allen did leave Beitou, he came back a year later and it ends there with the suggestion of a new relationship blossomed from friendship. 

Overall thoughts?

Another hilarious story, I had plenty of laughs from Fang Ru and Allen. This story was told in a narrative sort of way, engaging us the audience as the third party. It is a light-hearted love story, with comedy and not too much sad moments. The grandmother's love story was the real story behind these few episodes. 

There were quite a number of scenes in the metro line. From Allen's arrival to his departure, there was also a PSA scene as well. Also, the red haired girl is seen here again at the parting scene of Fang Ru and Allen. Actually, Allen appeared in the red hair girl's episodes as a tourist asking for directions. I guess this is how the directors tie in the different love stories, as they were all running concurrently and only now we get to see it in depth. 

We've reached the end of all the episodes available so far. I do hope the final episodes of this Metro of Love series will be subbed and uploaded soon. I'm looking forward to the next story, the male lead looks like an eccentric hobo style guy. 

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