Hello! It's been awhile... Hope you are doing well.
Have been lazy
and depressed for most the time lately...
I blame the weather for this...
Okay, jokes aside... This is a set design seen in a K-drama entitled, "Shopping King Louis"...

The whole office is really spacious, with an artificial tree as the centre point. The workstation layout works around the tree in a free flow form... It looks really impressive and stylish but it takes up a lot of space!
I doubt that any office will be able to incorporate this kind of layout for just a few employees...

I do love the steps leading up to Mr. Cha's office there. The other half is designed to be like a amphitheatre style, as seen in the drama... Mr. Cha was addressing the team while sitting on the steps there. The steps are made with some double height and some single height, but it combines with the normal steps on the left... a very clever idea indeed.

Since I've started watching K-dramas, I am really fascinated by their set designs... They really do have great ideas and executions...
Wish I was that creative! Sigh...Oh well...back to the drawing board... 

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