[Episodes 26- 27] Grandma's piano recital
Featured food: Xiao Long Bao- Chinese steamed soup dumplings
We're heading into the backstory of some of the regular diners now... I read a comment somewhere and it said that they were not interested in the backstory of the regulars. I beg to differ. I am interested in the lives of the regulars at the diner, why they hang out there and their preference to certain foods...
Previously this series had featured Ah Long's background and now it is about Ah Xian, the close sidekick of Ah Long. The story starts off with Ah Xian not feeling well, coughing and all... Ah Dao (If you remember is the fisherman wearing the broad horizontal striped shirt) brought in the catch of the day, some crabs. The diner boss suggests to make some traditional soup dumplings and everyone was so excited... everyone except for Ah Xian. He makes an excuse for not feeling well and left the diner...
Few days later, Ah Xian was about his usual business (erm, I presume it's their usual!) collecting overdue debts from borrowers. He and two other members were at this man's house but that man had no money to pay the debts back. While the two sidekicks were (sort of) threatening the man to pay up, Ah Xian notices a piano in the house.
He started to play a few notes on the piano and realised one of the key sounds was off. He felt the bottom of the key area and the next thing he did was totally unexpected. Ah Xian told the man that his debts were off and he was taking the piano. The two sidekicks were shocked and yes, they had to move the piano! Haha!!
Ah Xian brings the piano back to the office but Ah Long said there was no space for it. I really love the two sidekicks here, poor things! They had to move the piano again!! Aigoo!! Yes, you guessed right, Ah Xian brought it to the midnight diner... The diner boss's expression is funny too haha!
Now, you're wondering what is with Ah Xian and the piano?! Well, you're about to find out... ;D One night at the diner, a young woman ordered some steamed dumplings. Omoo, those cute piggy dumplings are just too pretty to eat! After eating, she notices the piano there. She did the same thing as Ah Xian did earlier at the man's house, she played a few notes and felt the bottom area of the keys. Surprised, she asked the diner boss whose piano it was... and just at that moment, Ah Xian came bursting into the diner.
They stared at each other and then Ah Xian started to bolt out of the diner. Hahah!! This part was too funny, she chased him one round around the block and ended back at the diner. Apparently she knew Ah Xian and she was once his piano partner. Her name is Hu An Qi and she used to have piano lessons at Ah Xian's house when she was young. Their teacher was Ah Xian's grandma. That piano was the same piano that they played when they were young... it belonged to Ah Xian's grandma...
She had lost contact with Ah Xian ever since his grandma passed away and said that his grandma had left some money with her for his education. Ah Xian said he doesn't need the money anymore as he is a street gangster (sort of!) and she was shocked. An Qi tried to persuade him to think about his future and continue to pursue music (playing the piano) but Ah Xian said a firm no. Everyone there that night was confused but didn't dare to ask what happened...
Couple of nights later, Ah Xian was alone in the diner and he started to tell the diner boss the whole story...
Apparently, Ah Xian... or full name, Jin Zhi Xian comes from a good background. His parents passed away early and he was brought up by his grandma. His grandma is from a rich family hence she knew how to play the piano. She used that skills to offer piano lessons in order to bring up her grandson. Ah Xian would practice playing the piano while his grandma would be busy in the kitchen making the soup dumplings. Yes, now we know why he didn't want to eat the dumplings earlier at the diner...it made him remember his grandma... aww... :'(

Time goes by and now Ah Xian is a teenager. One afternoon, while Ah Xian was coming home from school he noticed a speeding car rushing by... He wondered what was going on and then realised that car had hit his grandma and sped off. His grandma passed away that night... Omo! He wandered on the street that night and spotted the same car that had hit his grandma. He took a traffic cone and wanted to smash the car but a group of gangsters beat him up instead... One of them was the owner of the car... Ah Xian passed out on the pavement. It was not clear exactly what happened after that, possibly that he couldn't take the shock and lived on the streets before he was rescued by Ah Long...

What a sad story... I feel for Ah Xian! :'( Now back in the present, Ah Long realised that Ah Xian had to deal with his past in order to move forward. He secretly visited An Qi, who is a classical pianist and decided to help Ah Xian. Meanwhile, Ah Xian was fed up with the piano and asked the two sidekicks to get rid of it. Hahah!! These poor boys! Ah Long met them outside the diner and didn't say anything but "Mmm." Damn, I like this Ah Long so much... man of few words! XD
Ah Long set up Ah Xian to be at the diner and An Qi was there as well. Upon seeing her, Ah Xian wanted to leave but Ah Long blocked him. He even asked the two sidekicks to bring back the piano! Hahah!! Ah Xian was so furious to see the piano and the two guys said it wasn't their fault but just obeying Ah Long's orders. Ah Xian sat down and the diner boss brought out the soup dumplings...
It was really hard for Ah Xian to face his past, he finally took a bite of the dumplings and started to cry... Aww...
The story ends well... Ah Xian finally agreed to be An Qi's partner for a part of her performance... Wow, who knew a street gangster could be a classical pianist?! I really like this part, it makes us think twice about judging people by their looks.
It was a good closure for Ah Xian... He decided to return the piano to the man and the happiest ones were the two sidekicks! Hahah!! No more moving that damn piano... XD
There's no recipe for the soup dumpling but it looks delicious! I want to have some now... Oh man! ;'(