Tuesday 1 August 2017

Midnight Foodstore Episode 21- 22 review

[Episodes 21- 22] Washroom customer

Featured food: Glutinous rice dumpling

Yaasss!! My handsome Xiu Jie Kai!! We have passed the midway of this series and finally he appears! Aigooo.... !!! Alas, my excitement lasted briefly only... I felt so cheated watching his story. He practically appeared like for less than one episode and the second half were all flashbacks. Wtf! (-_-")

Okay, he bursts into the diner one night asking whether he could use the washroom. He seemed like he was about to go really badly... Hahah! After that, he felt quite embarrassed and kept apologising. He was about to leave but then he decided to sit down and order some food. He ordered the most simple dumpling, which caught the attention of Ah Dao, one of the regulars there. 

He and Ah Dao became fast friends. The weirdest thing was he never said his name, and Ah Dao didn't even ask! What?! Yeah, so everyone nicknamed him the "Straight striped shirt guy"...Hahah! Apparently he is sort of a Google maps guy... He would ride a bicycle around the town while the equipment will take pics and information along the way. That explains why he always seem to rush to use the washroom at the diner! 

One night Ah Dao was fishing by the lighthouse, the striped shirt guy came by. He started to chat with Ah Dao... Usually Ah Dao will do all the talking, but somehow that night the striped shirt guy said something about being there and a lot of deep stuff... Ah Dao shakes his head in amusement as he didn't understand what that guy was talking about. 

Ah Dao meets the stripe shirt guy again some days later at the diner. He was surprised that the stripe shirt guy was drinking alcohol. He wanted to drink a lot but the diner boss stopped him with the diner rules of only 3 servings per customer. Ah Dao senses the guy's disappointment and decides to get the servings quota from other customers there. In the end, both guys drank so much and Ah Dao passes out on the counter. That was the last time anyone saw the striped shirt guy... 

Some time had passed and Ah Dao misses his striped shirt guy friend. He was hoping that the guy will burst into the diner as usual wanting to use the washroom but that didn't happen. It was a woman who did that instead... What?! Haha! Yes, the woman was copying everything that the striped shirt guy did previously. Ah Dao wondered who she was and she begun to tell them her story... Yeah, this is where all the flashbacks appear and my handsome guy is nowhere to be found anymore! Arghh... 

It's kinda a crappy story to be honest... Who in this day and age asks another guy friend to write a love letter for you to chase the woman of your dreams???!! I was like what the???!! Seriously, you would stuff like that when you are in your teens or something... but as an adult? Come on! Ridiculous. (-_-)

The striped shirt guy bumps into an ex-college room mate and that guy asks him to write some poetic love letter because she was into literature and stuff. I also don't know why he agreed to such lame request but maybe because he saw the photo of the woman and he fell in love with her... I know! There was a scene where he was writing the letter and she walked by... So high school kind of crush! 

Anyways the woman fell for the douche bag guy instead of the striped shirt guy thanks to the romantic love letter... What, am I watching a Korean drama with the second lead syndrome?!! Hahahah!! Yeah, the shy guy can only watch as his dream woman accepts the love declaration by the fake guy outside the restaurant. She caught a glimpse of him but he hid behind the tree. He could only take a pic of her from afar.... Ahhh, my heart is breaking right now... 

As all fake facades crumble, the woman eventually realises the guy she agreed to date was not the same one who wrote the letter and she broke up with him. So, what happened to our striped shirt guy?! Well, he passed away. What???!! Nuuuuu!! Everyone in this drama series seem to have terminal illness and dies... Wtf! Hahah! I know right?! :P

If you remember earlier, there was one night where the striped shirt guy was drinking alcohol like there's no tomorrow? Well yeah, he knew he was not going to live any longer so he drank his sorrows away. Ah Dao now understood everything that happened in hindsight... 

The woman also realised that the person she loved was someone whom she have never met... But she knew everything about him through the letters he wrote to her. He did not post the letters earlier. He only posted them when he knew he was going to die so by the time she received the letters it was too late. :'( The story ends with her going to his apartment and we finally find out his name! Liang Hao Shi... 

So, feeling absolutely ripped off by now?! Hahahah!! Sigh... Well, at least we had a half episode of eye candy with him! ;D Not much on the steamed glutinous rice dumpling though... 

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