Friday 4 November 2016

Shopping King Louis Episode 9 -10 Food recap

Episode 9

1. Ramyeon - 3 packets at that! After the lovey- dovey beach scene, Louis and Bok Sil returns home but then little did they know Louis will be going back to his family very soon...

2. Louis's fav food by Grandma's wishes, fruit juice, fruits and lonely breakfast rice - The reveal is done when Louis is restored to his status as a rich guy... and the excitement and sadness follows...

3. Toasted egg ham sandwich - I think it's the same one which he ate at the street vendor earlier in the series

Episode 10

1. Louis's usual breakfast - Bok Sil leaves Louis after learning of her brother's death... Louis doesn't know what happened and is missing her so much... 

2. Bok Sil's stew & rice - Mr Cha visits Bok Sil at her village home... 

3. Cold noodles - I'm assuming it's that because it looks like it?! Poor In-Sung... I felt bad for him... 

Best scene! Spiderrrr!!! Horrry s*... if I saw a spider as big as that I'll probably burn the house down... Hahahah!! :DD 

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