Saturday 1 October 2016

Shopping King Louis Episode 1 Food recap

When W ended, I was like, "Oh man... what to watch now??" Well, Shopping King Louie stole my heart straight away. I'm very much a sucker for comedy and light-hearted dramas... esp modern day setting dramas...

So, what's this drama about? Briefly, it's about a rich boy named Louis living in Europe and his favourite past-time is shopping. Yup. He has a very rich grandmother who owns an empire, which is a department store named Gold coin... (or something like that) Grandma falls sick, Louis flies back to Korea and evil uncle wants to kill him to inherit the empire. But as you all already know, plot twists and Louis ends up losing his memory and meets this rural girl named Bok Sil. Bok Sil came to the city to look for her lost brother and bumps into Louis as he was wearing her brother's jacket. She decides to care for Louis in hopes that he will regain his memory to find her missing brother... 

Alrightty then... enough of the story... What about the food in this series? I kinda got hooked by doing the Let's Eat 2 food recap before this... so now it's a habit of mine to notice the food featured in dramas... :D 

Episode 1 

1. Rice and side dishes for breakfast - Some grilled fish, raw prawns?! 

2. Side dishes - Mr Cha's mum prepares all the food but he doesn't eat them. I can understand why... what the heck is that black blue thing??!! 

3. Bok Sil's rice ball & Mr Cha's fav food: Ice-cream - It's my fav too! ;) 

4. Korean/ Japanese food

What other notable things from this drama? Why, the interior of course! ;D Louis's chateau, Grandma's house in Korea and also Mr Cha's apartment... His office is awesome as well... 

Best scene? Grandma of course!! My preciousssss..... 

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