Wednesday 22 December 2021

Extreme Job review


Movie name: Extreme Job
Country: South Korea
Year: Jan 2019

Someone recommended this k-movie in the kdrama Discord server that I am in. Made a bookmark to watch it and finally gotten around to it earlier this year. 

So,what's this movie about?

A team of five detectives who has a very poor performance in bringing in the crooks are at the risk of being disbanded. In order to save his team, the leader Chief Go decides to tackle a drug lord named Mubae whose right hand man had been released from jail recently. If they manage to bust the gang they would be promoted and not lose their jobs. 

The story goes on with how Chief Go and team tries to infiltrate the gang by doing a stakeout at a nearby fried chicken restaurant. However, the restaurant is not doing well at all and the owner is about to sell it. The team decides to take over the restaurant to continue with their mission to nab the drug lord. 

Overall thoughts

It is a really funny action movie. Although some may not like the slapstick comedy and overly dramatic action fight scenes (somewhat reminiscent of Hong Kong action movies!) I still think it is an entertaining watch. 

Best parts of the movie

Definitely the stakeout and take over part... haha, they were eating fried chicken and the original owner thought they were a bunch of jobless losers... The part where they were defining their relationship to each other while trying to get the restaurant ownership deal... 

After acquiring the restaurant, their struggle to maintain the fried chicken business and continuing their mission on Mubae... The part when they finally got an order from the drug den, they were dismayed as the place had been vacated already... alas! 

Story goes on

Their fried chicken business went too well and caught the attention of a local TV producer. The team offended the producer by denying him an interview. They couldn't get caught on TV with their superiors seeing them! Unfortunately for them, the producer decided take revenge by smearing their shop saying that their fried chicken is fake, being bought from other shops and served to customers instead. The news went viral and Chief Go's superiors came to know about it. All of them were fired from their police jobs. So sad! 

However, the team had some sort of dumb luck... haha, their restaurant's popularity caught the attention of Mubae's right hand man. He came up with the proposal to use the restaurant delivery service to deliver drugs to customers. It was like the drug guys came to Chief Go in the end! Chief Go didn't know anything about it and proceed to sign with them since they lost their jobs as policemen. 

It was not until one of them realised that their restaurant food chain is not doing well but still there seem to be many deliveries. The team went to investigate and found out that Mubae had been using it for his drug activities. 


Rescue mission time! Detective Ma was missing and the rest of the team had to go rescue him. Meanwhile, the drug lord Mubae was having his own business deal with another drug guy. This is the final showdown when Chief Go and team versus the bad guys. 

Lots of kick ass fights later, the team finally defeated all the bad guys. Haha!! Love the scene where all of them sitting on the couch waiting for the police to arrive. It's a happy ending, all of them got their jobs back and promoted... 

It is a light hearted comedy movie that you could watch. Was a good recommendation indeed. Haha, I really laughed a lot! And the fried chicken does look delicious. Will leave you with Chief Go... 

*Image credits own screenshots and Google search* 

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